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OUR AMBITION: With our skills and our availability, we aim to be the dependable actor for our customers and our international partners-manufacturers in their chosen fields of technology:
Magnetism, energy conversion, precision current measurement, thermal protection, fire / smoke resistance.
Technicome, located near Versailles, actively participates, since several decades, in the success of Industrials on French soil by facilitating them access to competitive technical solutions developed by our leading manufacturers, mainly American and German.
We work to remove obstacles to the realization of the ideas and goals of our clients. This includes the permanent development of our expertise and the close collaboration with the partners that we represent on the French market.
Technicome responds both to the demand of its manufacturers and customers who value an experienced local technical-sales force.
We have developed ourselves to anticipate and meet the ever-growing needs of industrial customers in the fields of magnetism, energy conversion, precision current measurement, thermal management, fire / smoke protection.
Thus, we offer a range of services and a set of solutions in line with current market expectations (Quality, Cost, Performance, Innovations), but also taking into account future projections.
Our employees, with the support of our factories, are the committed resource, able to support and advise industrials during all phases of their reflection, from the identification to the validation of their options.
Technicome is therefore positioned to be the most efficient and competitive player possible, carrying out the most relevant industrial solutions, guaranteeing the confidence of its customers: Major clients, mid-size companies or SMEs.
Pour nous joindre
ZA de Pissaloup – 3 rue E. Branly – 78190 Trappes – France
Adresse postale : CS 10527 – 78197 Trappes cedex – France
Tél. : 01 30 69 15 00